Source code for chalice_http_toolkit.content

import jinja2
import os
import io
import base64
from typing import Optional, Union
from chalice import Response, Chalice, Blueprint
from magic import Magic
from chalice_http_toolkit.response_with_binary import ResponseWithBinary
import json
from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError

[docs]class ContentManager: ACCEPTS2PIL = {'image/jpeg': 'JPEG', 'image/jpg': 'JPEG', 'image/webp': 'WEBP', 'image/png': 'PNG'} """ Creates a ContentManager instance which allows rendering templates, returning static content and dynamic assets plus more. Generally after a ContentManager is called, set_static_handler_prefix() should be called directlty after to setup your static() handler in Jinja templates. :param templates_dir: Base path for templates :param static_dir: Base path for static content :param app: Chalice app :param magic: Optional python-magic instance, often required given Lambda hosts dont have libmagic installed. :returns: ContentManager instance """ def __init__(self, templates_dir:str, static_dir:str, app:Union[Chalice, Blueprint], magic:Optional[Magic]=None): self.templates_dir = templates_dir self.static_dir = static_dir self.__allowed_static_files = [] dirlist = [static_dir] while len(dirlist) > 0: for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(dirlist.pop()): dirlist.extend(dirnames) for fn in filenames: p = os.path.join(dirpath, fn) p = os.path.relpath(p, static_dir) self.__allowed_static_files.append(p) self.env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)) self.__magic = magic if magic else Magic(mime=True) self.__app = app
[docs] def set_static_handler_prefix(self, path:str): """ Defines a function static() to allow dynamic resolution of static content in templates. The path argument should correlate with a Chalice endpoint to fetch the static content. :param path: Path to match chalice endpoint in which static() calls will match in templates. :returns: None """ self.env.globals.update({'static': lambda x: f'{path}/{x}'})
[docs] def render_template(self, filename:str, **kwargs) -> str: """ Renders a template using the existing Jinja2 environment. :param filename: Path to template :param kwargs: Additional kwargs to be passed into template render :returns: Rendered template as a string """ return self.env.get_template(filename).render(kwargs)
[docs] def convert_by_accepts(self, img:bytes, accepts:str, default='WEBP') -> bytes: """ Converts an images type based on the accepts format (ie image/jpeg) using Pillow. If default=None, will throw an exception if no conversion found. :param img: Bytes of image :param accepts: Mimetype format, current supports: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/webp, image/png, image/gif :param default: Default format if cant convert, prevents an exception being thrown if cant convert. :returns: Converted image :raises: Exception if cant find matching type to convert to """ new_format = default for t in accepts.split(','): if t in self.ACCEPTS2PIL: new_format = self.ACCEPTS2PIL[t] break else: if default is None: raise Exception('Couldnt match accepts with supported formats: %s' % accepts) try: image = except UnidentifiedImageError: return img with io.BytesIO() as output:, format=new_format) converted = output.getvalue() return converted
[docs] def asset(self, body:bytes, status_code:int=200, headers:Optional[dict]=None) -> ResponseWithBinary: """ Useful for returning dynamic static content such as images loaded from a database. :param body: Bytes representing content to return :param status_code: Status code to return content with :param headers: Additional headers to return :returns: Chalice Response object """ h = {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"} if headers: h = {**h, **headers} h["Content-Type"] = self.__magic.from_buffer(body) r = ResponseWithBinary(body=body, status_code=status_code, headers=h) r.isBase64Encoded = True return r
[docs] def static(self, filename:str, status_code:int=200, headers:Optional[dict]=None) -> ResponseWithBinary: """ Useful for returning static content in the configured static directory. :param filename: Path relative from static_dir to content :param status_code: Status code to return content with :param headers: Additional headers to return :returns: Chalice Response object """ if filename not in self.__allowed_static_files: print('Ignored %s' % filename) return Response(body='', status_code=404) h = {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"} if headers: h = {**h, **headers} with open(os.path.join(self.static_dir, filename), 'rb') as f: body = if filename.endswith('.css'): content_type = 'text/css' elif filename.endswith('.svg') or filename.endswith('.svgz'): content_type = 'image/svg+xml' elif filename.endswith('.js') or filename.endswith('.mjs'): content_type = 'text/javascript' else: content_type = self.__magic.from_buffer(body) print(f'[{filename}]: Was {content_type} {type(body)}') isBase64Encoded = False if content_type in self.ACCEPTS2PIL: if self.__app.current_request: accepts = self.__app.current_request.headers.get('accept', '') if accepts: body = self.convert_by_accepts(body, accepts) content_type = self.__magic.from_buffer(body) isBase64Encoded = True print(f'[{filename}]: Is {content_type} {type(body)}') h["Content-Type"] = content_type r = ResponseWithBinary(body=body, status_code=status_code, headers=h) r.isBase64Encoded = isBase64Encoded return r
[docs] def xml(self, body:str, status_code:int=200, headers:Optional[dict]=None) -> Response: """ Useful for returning xml content that has been rendered already using render_template(). :param body: String containing rendered template :param status_code: Status code to return content with :param headers: Additional headers to return :returns: Chalice Response object """ h = {"Content-Type": "text/xml", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"} if headers: h = {**h, **headers} return Response(body=body, status_code=status_code, headers=h)
[docs] def html(self, body:str, status_code:int=200, headers:Optional[dict]=None) -> Response: """ Useful for returning html content that has been rendered already using render_template(). :param body: String containing rendered template :param status_code: Status code to return content with :param headers: Additional headers to return :returns: Chalice Response object """ h = {"Content-Type": "text/html", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"} if headers: h = {**h, **headers} return Response(body=body, status_code=status_code, headers=h)
[docs] def json(self, body:str, status_code:int=200, headers:Optional[dict]=None) -> Response: """ Useful for returning json content. :param body: String containing json :param status_code: Status code to return content with :param headers: Additional headers to return :returns: Chalice Response object """ h = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"} if headers: h = {**h, **headers} return Response(body=json.dumps(body), status_code=status_code, headers=h)
[docs] def redirect(self, url:str, status_code:int=301) -> Response: """ By default generates a 301 redirect Response. :param url: URL to redirect to :returns: Chalice Response object """ return Response(status_code=status_code, body='', headers={'Location': url})